Friday, April 24, 2009

William Allen White Award Books Curriculum Guides

Taken from a post on KanLib-L submitted by

Barbara Stransky, Acquisitions Librarian and Sociologist

Kansas City Kansas Community College Library:

As in past years, the utilization of books selected for the William Allen White Children's Book Award master list has been enhanced with the addition of curriculum guides for use in teaching or preparing instructional units based on these books. These curriculum guides, written by Kansas teachers and librarians who volunteer to do this service, provide summaries along with discussion questions and suggested activities as well as bibliographic and author information for each title selected by the William Allen White Committee. These guides will help the books really come alive for our young readers in Kansas!
Thanks so much to guide-writers Jane Burton, Bev Nye, Mary Ann Sadler, Mary Harmon, Wendy Morris, Kim Glover, Barbara Bahm, Retta Eiland, Barbara Clark-Evans, Vickey Long, and Amy Brownlee.

The guides for the 2009-2010 contenders for next year's award are now posted. Check out the WAW website at Emporia State University for the curriculum guides that can be used by teachers and librarians to encourage Kansas students to read these exceptional books, and vote for next year's award: .
Studies by respected educators have shown that connecting discussions and activites with books used in classrooms is a truly effective teaching and learning strategy. "When highly qualified teachers and library media specialists value children's literature and know how to locate and use it effectively in collaboration with students, an environment where children learn can be created."

Nancy L. Williams and Patricia T. Bauer, Source:The Reading Teacher 60.1(Sept 2006):p14(9)

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