I have seen discussion guides for various books at publishers' booths when I visit conventions. I recently received a catalog from Macmillan Group in the form of a short discussion guide. It's called Reading Group Gold and covers books published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Henry Holt, Picador, St. Martin's Griffin, St. Martin's Press and Tor/Forge.
Each book featured has a brief plot summary, 3-4 discussion questions and information about the author. There is a supporting website at http://www.readinggroupgold.com/ with more information on each of these books. In the back of the catalog is a listing of more titles covered on the website.
If you have a book your discussion group is planning to cover, check the publisher's website (even if it isn't one of the Macmillan Group mentioned above) to see if you can find information there. Many publishers are providing discussion aids because it is a good thing for them and for libraries. It puts more of their books before the public and it provides busy librarians with reliable discussion information. Check the Book Discussion Blog from ALA mentioned in an earlier post. too! Click on the "book.discussion.groups" tag on the left to get to it quickly.
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